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fire and ice

So it's been a minute since our last post; and a lot of stuff has gone done. Your new president's been mad busy for one. Also it seems a lot has been changing for ourselves and the people closest to us (new kids, jobs, loves, and loss). A word of encouragement for everyone, stay focused. Don't let anything distract you from your goals. A closed door is not a dead end; a bumpy road is not impossible to travel.

There are things in life that are designed to challenge you, refine you, burn off the excess that slows you down- the fire. Passion fuels it. The feeling of not being satisfied and wanting to push yourself harder is a gift- a blessing. Keep going.

Then there's the ice. The time to celebrate the work you've accomplished- to sit back and actually access where you are and where you've come from. Don't take those moments for granted. Stop, look, appreciate. Chill, okay.

Someone told me today that they had a dream about my actual dream. Can you imagine that? Another person actually visualizing your goal and telling you how great it will be. I'm amazed. I'm inspired. And I'm telling you to go for it- whatever your IT is.

So what does all this have to do with cookies? I'm so glad you finally asked☺

We present our latest tasty creation, Spice Cookie. It's like a chewy gingersnap on crack, without the snap- if that makes sense. Seriously, IT'S DELICIOUS. Warming, spicy, and satisfying is all the ways you want a homemade cookie to be. This is the ultimate ice cream sandwich cookie; it stays soft, soooo soft! Get em' and take your fire and ice(cream) game to the next level. See what I did there? lol

Homemade Ginger Ice Cream (optional, but life-changing)

Makes about a pint

1.5 cups half & half (or half milk/ half cream)

1/4 cup sugar

pinch salt (dont skip it!)

1/4 tsp ground/ fresh ginger

2 yolks

*If you've never made ice cream from scratch, watch a couple YouTube videos for the steps. Easier than reading and guessing! You're welcome☺

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